There are different types of boundaries, and it's important to consider each of these categories when thinking about the relationships you have with other people.
Physical boundaries: Physical boundaries refer to the rules you have about your body and touch. For example, what are your limits about hugs or high-fives? When you're spending time with others, how much personal space do you need to have?
Emotional boundaries: Emotional boundaries refer to boundaries you have about your feelings and inner world. What does privacy mean to you? What emotions do you choose to disclose to family members or friends? If you need support, who do you turn to?
Financial boundaries: Financial boundaries refer to limits around money. If you earn your own income, how do you choose to spend it? If your friend is short on funds, when do you offer to help? When do you refuse to help?
Sexual boundaries: Sexual boundaries refer to your limits around sexual behaviour. If you're in a romantic relationship or have sexual partners, it's crucial to review concepts like consent, safe sex, and open communication.
Material boundaries: Material boundaries refer to how you use and share your personal belongings. For example, are you willing to loan your friend your laptop for the weekend? When do you offer to share lunch? What items do you refuse to part with?