Family Mediation
The process of divorce and legal separation can be emotionally, logistically, and financially challenging, particularly when children are involved. Family mediation offers people who are separating an alternative to litigation (where each person typically retains a lawyer). Unlike the traditional courtroom setting, family mediation fosters open communication, collaboration, and mutual decision-making, aiming to prioritize the well-being of both parties and any children involved. By engaging in family mediation, both parties work with a family mediator to craft personalized, sustainable solutions for life (and possibly co-parenting) post separation or divorce.
The Government of Alberta has recognized the benefits that come with family mediation, launching the Alberta Justice Family Justice Strategy in December 2023. In Edmonton and Calgary, family mediation is now required prior to attending court (with some exceptions). The Court of King’s Bench has indicated plans to extend this requirement to all judicial centres across Alberta as more resources become available.
At Boreal Therapy Collective, we believe family mediation is an essential tool to support the health and wellness of you and your family during an especially vulnerable transitionary time.
To begin family mediation, book with:
Darleen Davis
Safeguards in Family Mediation
While family mediation can be a highly effective, it may not appropriate in every situation. In adherence with the Alberta Justice Family Justice Strategy, Boreal Therapy Collective must conduct additional assessment prior to engaging in family mediation if there are:
Safety Concerns: When safety concerns (including restraining orders or protection orders) arise within the context of a separation or divorce, family mediation may not be appropriate. The fear of retribution, intimidation, or violence may inhibit open communication and compromise, making it difficult to reach an equitable agreement. In such situations, the suitability and focus of family mediation must be carefully evaluated. This evaluation requires that each party meet independently with the family mediator before any mediation appointments are scheduled. Following these meetings, the family mediator will make a determination regarding the appropriateness of proceeding with family mediation (and, if proceeding, what safeguards must be implemented). Safeguards may include separate mediation sessions (where the mediator relays and negotiates terms, ensuring no contact) or staggered arrival and departure times.
Criminal Charges: In cases involving criminal charges against one or both parties, the adversarial nature of the legal system often takes precedence over the collaborative approach of family mediation. The pending legal proceedings can create a contentious atmosphere, making it challenging to foster the level of cooperation and goodwill necessary for effective family mediation. Moreover, the outcome of criminal proceedings may have significant ramifications for custody arrangements. Individuals facing criminal charges during separation or divorce proceedings are often advised to prioritize their legal defence and courtroom representation before exploring alternative dispute resolution methods like family mediation.
What to Expect from Family Mediation
Our family mediator is committed to helping you and your former partner establish mutually beneficial agreements on critical matters such as guardianship, parenting plans, decision-making processes, communication channels, child support, and more.
At your first appointment, the family mediator will explain family mediation and will answer any questions you have. Future appointments will be utilized to support you and your former partner in reaching a mutual agreement. While some parties require only one or two appointments, others may require four to six appointments. The time taken depends on the complexity of the proposed arrangements and the flexibility of you both.
Upon reaching an agreement, our family mediator can support you in preparing the necessary court documents. You will need to file these documents at the courthouse and await your scheduled court date. On your court date, both you and your former partner will inform the judge of the amicable resolution reached through family mediation. The judge has the ability to deny the agreement if it does not align with current legal principles or is not in the best interests of any potential children involved. If there are no concerns present, the judge can formalize the agreement with a court order.
Alternatively, you may choose to take the agreements made in family mediation to a lawyer for review, and the lawyer may support you in the rest of the court process.
How to Start Family Mediation
Starting family mediation at Boreal Therapy Collective is easy and requires no referral. To begin, check the booking calendar to find an agreed upon appointment time for the Family Mediation Intake. To book this appointment, call us at 780.838.5070 or email us at info@borealtherapycollective.ca. We will reach out to confirm the booking with you and your former partner. Once the appointment has been booked, you will each receive your own virtual intake that must be completed prior to the appointment.
Please remember that family mediation is entirely voluntary. At Boreal Therapy Collective, we recognize and respect your right to seek independent legal counsel or withdraw from the family mediation process at any stage. Your autonomy and comfort throughout the family mediation process are of paramount importance to us.
Family Mediation at Boreal Therapy Collective
Where We Are Located
We’re located at 8530 Manning Avenue, Unit 104. You’ll find us in the Service Canada building (on the side of the building that faces the Clearwater River). To check out our space, click here.
Parking is located at the front and back of the building. The front parking lot is closer to us but tends to fill up quickly. There is also an empty dirt lot adjacent to our office that many use for parking. If you park at the back (where Service Canada is located), you can walk around the building to reach our office. To learn more about parking, click here.
Importantly, you do not need to be in town for family mediation. We offer in-person and virtual family mediation, and our family mediator is happy to provide whatever option works best for you!
Family mediation services are billed at a rate of $250.00 per hour ($62.50/15-minutes). Family mediation services include appointments, telephone calls and emails, and paperwork completion. While one-on-one consultations, communication, and paperwork will be billed individually, joint consultations, communications, and paperwork carry the benefit of being split equally between both parties (eg: for a one-hour session, each co-parent will pay $125.00). When compared to the expenses typically incurred in traditional litigation, family mediation tends to represent a significantly more cost-effective option.